Jumat, 14 Maret 2014

Promotion of AMIK Garut

Let me introduce my self, my name is Risfiyanisa. I am here to introduce university I live now is the Academy of Information Management and Computer or AMIK Garut . for you are still confused in choosing which university entry, please select the course of our university . I 'm sure you will not be disappointed .
AMIK Garut is universities in the field of information and computer founded in 1995 established by Department of Information Management Diploma degree ( D3 ) led by the Director , who is under and responsible directly to Main Page Education Foundation . Since the establishment AMIK Garut has undertaken various development , especially the development of the Digital Campus to further improve service to the community AMIK Garut .
In AMIK Garut there are two courses of study 
    Information Engineer
ΓΌ  Information Management

The vision and mission of AMIK Garut :
Vision AMIK Garut
Being a Computer Education Center and the information gained recognition both local , regional, national , and global order , in order to realize the vision of society that technology , professional and noble .

Mission AMIK Garut
Improving human resource professionals in the field of computer and information relevant to the development of science and technology and National Development
Being a center of research and development activities in the field of computers and information that aims to develop the field of computer and information
Preparing Learners become a community member who has a personal and independent , have the ladies abi , skills and information in the development / dissemination of knowl knowledge of science and technology , especially in the field of Information and Computer and clicking - seek its use for the community , the nation and the State .
Practice Computer Science and Information Technology especially in a professional manner in order to solve problems in society .
AMIK Garut also been awarded namely Smart Campus Award in 2013 , as ranked Category 5 National Higher Education Academy .
And here's facilities while in our campus :

·         Space Services
·         Non- Learning
·         Laboratory
·         S - IT ( Student Information Terminal )
·         Academic Information Systems Online
·         Canteen
·         Sports Field
·         Library
·         Cyber ​​space
·         Wi - Fi Hotspot

And that's a little explanation of this our beloved campus . Hopefully you are interested and want to join us .

Minggu, 09 Maret 2014

Untukmu Calon Imamku♥♥♥

Akan ada hari dimana Allah menjadi saksi saat kau lingkarkan ikatan suci Mitsaqan Ghalidza dijariku yang kau pilih, walau aku tak sesempurna istri sang Nabi.
Akan ada hari dimana kulingkarkan pula sumpah setia dijarimu yang kupilih sebagai imamku, yang surga-Nya tak bisa ku masuki tanpa ridho darimu.
Akan ada hari dimana kugelar sajadahku & sajadahmu, kita bersujud dalam sepenggal waktu yang sama & Do'a yang terucap darimu ku Amini juga dalam hati 1 shaf di belakangmu.
Akan ada hari dimana selalu ku nanti alunan tausyiah mu sebagai pengantar tidurku dan rasa syukur karena-Nya telah memberi cinta yang kutujukan padamu.
Akan ada hari dimana kau dengungkan Adzan dibalik daun telinga sosok mungil yang kelak mewarisi sebagian parasku dan sebagian tingkahmu.
Akan ada hari dimana keteladananmu akan mengiringi tugasku sebagai madrasah bagi keturunan kita.
Akan ada hari dimana kita akan melihat nisan dan memesan sepetak lahan berdampingan untuk nanti ketika esok tak ada lagi.
Akan ada hari dimana salahsatu diantara kita menghadap Illahi, dengan pendamping hidup sholeh dan sholeha yang setia menemani sampai di akhir perjalanan kita nanti. Dan aku akan sabar menanti.
Semoga Allah mengijinkan Sakinah bersamamu hadir suatu hari nanti sehingga kelak dikumpulkan kembali sampai di Surga-Nya nanti.